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Cloverleaf Blanket Answer

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Cloverleaf Blanket Answer

Cloverleaf Blanket Answer is a unique blend of minerals and enzmyes to combat blanket weed.


The special formula works where many bacteria cultures fail.  Blanket Answer is a unique blend of minerals and enzymes . The special formula works where many bacteria cultures fail. It is 100% safe for all pond fish, plants, and biological filtration systems. UV units or protein skimmers need not be switched off.

Blanket Answer is now available in 800g, 2kg and 4kg tubs to service all sized ponds.

Blanket Answer is simply added to the pond by pouring the mixed powder and pond water from a designated watering can evenly over the surface. The pond will initially take on a milky appearance, but this will clear after about 5 days. The ingredients will form a powdery layer on the liner face.