NT Labs Test Kits
NT Labs Test Kits
NT Labs Pondlab will meet all your water testing needs. NT Labs test kits are easy to use and available to test, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, PH and Hardness.
Open 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday & 10am until 3pm weekends (Winter hours vary)
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NT Labs Test Kits
NT Labs Pondlab will meet all your water testing needs. NT Labs test kits are easy to use and available to test, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, PH and Hardness.
Did you know...
Ammonia is released by most living organisms as part of the break down of organic matter. Fish waste contains a high level of ammonia, and they also secrete the substance at the gills.
Ammonia is very detrimental to fish health; it disturbs osmoregulatory function, irritates the gill and skin surfaces, destroys the protective mucous coating of the fish, causes internal and external bleeding, damages the brain and central nervous system. Even at levels below 0.01 ppm ammonia has been shown to depress the immune system of the fish.