Clarity Protein Skimmer
Koi Carp are specialists in Koi Pond Filtration which are without doubt the most important part about any successful Koi Pond Installation, doing the job right in the first instance can save Frustration, disappointment, Hard Work and of course money !
The subject of proper Koi pond filtration still continues to puzzle even many experienced enthusiasts in the hobby.
However, to the more confused newcomer, the wide range of systems available and their various forms of operation, combined with well-intended advice from a 'friend-in-the-know' and the belief that filtering a Koi pond properly is 'kids stuff', all tend to lead to more confusion and usually into making the wrong choice. Unfortunately this wrong choice is only apparent after a given period of time, when it is too late !
In truth, a Koi pond filtration system is running constantly, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and 365 days per year. Over a one year period the entire water from the pond will pass through the system between 2,000 and 3,000 times. In a 10,000 gallon pond, the filtration system will handle between 20 and 30 million gallons of debris-laden water per year!
It is now possible to build or purchase proper filtration systems that will handle the flow rates required, and that provide the correct flow patterns and will ensure that all mechanical debris etc can be efficiently discharged to waste with a minimum of daily maintenance.
These Especially made units are made by Koi People for Koi People, they are designed in such a way as to cut down the Labour intensive 'Cleaning Out Process' which has always been a chore.
The most efficient systems today incorporate a Sieve as the first line of attack is removing the mechanical debris, such as leaves, fish waste, blanket weed, basicaly all the stuff you can see. The Sieve units, such as the Ultrasieve III collect the waste matter, where it is separated from the clean water continually being Sieved out, this debri can then be removed, flushed from the unit.
The Ultrasieve III can remove nearly 100 % of all the solids thus ensuring good quality water entering the next stage of the filtration on its way back to the pond.
Please take a good look at the Sieve units, we stock a wide range of this type of unit from the Biosieve, Cetus Sieve and the ever popular Ultrasieve III. These units can be used with any type of filtration chosen or as part of a skimmer line. The Sieve units of course are strongly reccommended for all beadfliters, including the Bubblebead, Polygeyser, the new Econobead and of course the Ultrabead filters, we can most certainly recommend these very highly.
We do of course stock what has to be the most revolutionary filtration system ever to be produced for both the serious Koi enthusiast or the pond keeper alike , The Nexus Eazy and recently the new Eazy pod as hit the market which catters for smaller pond setups.
If you are unsure which filtration system is the correct one for your own pond, we will be only to happy to advise you, we are also prepared to travel to see you and to talk about your installation, please remember a mistake at this stage can not only be extremely expensive, but sometimes impossible to correct.