Open 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday & 10am until 3pm weekends (Winter hours vary

Winter offers - Get 10% off all Evolution Aqua products, use code GET10 at checkout.

  1. Box Weld Liners

    Box welded pond liners are increasingly becoming the preferred option, this eliminating ugly creases when trying to fit a 2 dimensional Pond liner in to a square or rectangle hole.  As the name suggests this service offers a bespoke Pond liner cut and welded to the exact shape of your new pond, no more creases or unwanted folds to harbour waste or debris allowing unwanted pathogens to cause water quality problems.

  2. Announcing The Launch Of Our New Website

    Announcing The Launch Of Our New Website

    Absolute Koi is excited to annouce the lauch of our newly designed website.  After several months of hard work and dedication, we are pleased to officially annouce the launch on Thursday 12th August 2021. 

  3. Website Update

    Darren's Back - Website Revamped! You will now see many new features, not the least of which is the ability to search for what ever it is you are looking for in a matter of nano-seconds. 

    Simply type in a few words (spelling counts) and watch the results!

  4. New Koi Arriving

    Darren is back and the new fish are arriving March 20th!

    We shall be making our way down to Heathrow on Tuesday 20.03.07 to pick up our new Koi that were hand selected on out latest Japan buying trip.

    We can confidently say that this is one of the best collections we have ever had of high grade Tosai. Furthermore on arrival of our new stock blood samples will be taken and sent to CEFAS.

  5. Japan Buying Trip

    Have you ever wanted to go to Japan and buy your own Koi, we are now taking bookings for our October Japan Trip.

    We normaly go for 2 weeks around mid October. We travel direct from Heathrow  with Virgin Atlantic. This trip includes the breeders Harvest of their mud ponds. This is when the whole Niigata area is alive with activity and energy. You will witness some of the best koi in the World being harvest from Nisai (2 year) and upwards. If its High grade 2 year olds your after this is the time to go. Also we are lucky enough to catch the Niigata Nougyousai Show 2008 which is normaly last weekend in October.

  6. New Airtech 70 Air pump kit

    The Airtech 70 Air Pump kit comes complete with an Airtech 70 Air Pump, 4 way manifold, 10m airline and 2 air stones.

    The new Airtech 70 Air Pump joins the very popular professional Airtech Air Pump range

    As we all know, oxygen is vital to all aquatic inhabitants whether they are koi, goldfish, tropical, marine fish or bacteria.

    The Airtech 70 Air Pump kit provides high performance using the very best diaphragm technology. 

  7. New EA Cleartech Products

    The Cleartech range has been completely overhauled and now has easy to understand usage rates. Improved formula Stop Blanket Weed replaces the discontinued Blanket Weed Inhibitor. Stop Sludge helps keep all your pond pipe work and surfaces clean, Filter Start Tablets in two value for money sizes, 60 tablets for the pond keeper and 10 tablets for use in Marine, Tropical and Coldwater fish tanks.
  8. Malta New pond Build

    Over the years we have been involved with some very exiting projects, but I think its fare to say this one is the Biggest!
  9. KHV Elisa Blood Test Result

    We are pleased to tell you that CEFAS have confirmed that all Blood Tests that were submitted for the KHV ELISA Tests (KHV Antibody Detection) are All NEGATIVE,meaning that they have not been exposed to Koi Herpes Virus  
