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Several times a year we make our "trek" to the Koi farms of Japan.

Have you ever wanted to go to Japan and buy your own Koi, we do take bookings for our March and October Japan Trips.

We normaly go for 1 week around the middle to end of March and for 2 weeks around mid October. We travel from Humberside Airport and stop normally in the Nagaoka Grand Hotel, this gives us a good base with the mountains only 10 minutes away.

If its Tosai (1 year old) koi your looking for or some really good deals on Nisai then the March trip is probably the one you need to go on.

The October trip includes the breeders harvest of their mud ponds. This is when the whole Niigata area is alive with activity and energy. You will witness some of the best koi in the World being harvested from Nisai (2 year) and upwards.

If its high grade 2 year olds you are after this is the time to go.

Also we are lucky enough to catch the Niigata Nougyousai Show which is normaly the last weekend in October.